Thursday, 28 April 2016

 RTEMS Port to ARM Cortex-M4F Core-Based MCUs

The objective of this project is to add processor support and a board support package (BSP) for the ARM CortexM4F microcontrollers on RTEMS.

Project Description
The aim of this project is to port RTEMS to the ARM CortexM4F and provide a BSP for the TI TM4C129E Crypto Connected Launchpad.
I will also be adding networking support to the BSP. This board family does not currently support the newer TM4C and I think adding this support will give developers more advantage to using the MCU. TM4C is a low-cost, simple IoT demonstrator that was chosen for its high-performance, onboard emulation, and IoT gateway projects can be programmed without additional need for hardware tools. This is why providing the BSP has value and adding networking/lwIP support is a good goal for the GSoC effort.

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