Friday, 24 June 2016

Midterm Evaluation

Planned Progress Vs. Real Progress According to Original Project Plan. 
The initial plan was to have completed the major part of the port, specifically, have the console and the clock driver implemented. Presently, I am still working on the console. I hope to finish the UART initialization working soon. I have constantly asked for help from the development community and my mentor in order to resolve the error I have been getting. 
I have successfully built the TM4C129E BSP and implemented the binary on the board, just needed some fine tuning to get the application running on it. Also, I have started my project documentation and taking notes of all the errors and how I resolved them for future references. 
As mentioned in my proposal, I have set up the board environment and ran HelloWorld binary on the board. I am presently working on resolving the error messages encountered during this process.  

Updated plan for the second half of the GSoC period.
For the second half of GSoC, I planned to have the console and clock driver working. If I have enough time, I hope to be able to add some peripheral support for the BSP.  I also plan to implement most if not all the deliverables in the second half of my proposal.

Code produced so far

What are the current blocking points?
I will say the first major challenge of my project is the BSP of my board family. The TM4C129E has a striking difference in register mapping with the board family and this has a major impact on code reuse. For the most part, I had to rewrite most of the register configuration for the new board.   

What is realistic to achieve finally?
By the end of GSoC, I hope to have a completed BSP for TM4C129E, have a documentation of the project setup and have an implemented binary on the target board.

Which external help do you expect?
I hope to continue to interact with the development community to constantly seek for help as needed to get the project completed.